landscape photography of Sydney, Australia
landscape photography of Sydney, Australia

For Tech and Professional Services companies that want to grow in Southeast Asia

You cannot grow in Southeast Asia like you do in other markets.
Founders and sales leaders who simply copy their outbound processes and messaging from their home markets tend to not do well in Southeast Asia. There is a different way that can help you unlock success in the region.

How B2B firms can grow their business sustainably

Sales Prism helps technology and professional services startups and SMEs to grow their sales through:

Demand Generation Management as a Service
Set up your Demand Generation team to convert strangers into new qualified appointments.

Appointment Setting as a Service
Let us run email campaigns on your behalf to convert strangers into new qualified appointments

Do Something Great neon sign
Do Something Great neon sign

Coaching and Mentoring

45-minute live coaching sessions with practical exercises and specific outcomes tailored to your team.

Who do we help

  • Software, SaaS, Professional Services, and Consulting businesses.

  • B2B enterprises

  • Small and Medium-sized enterprises.

  • Startups that have already achieved product-market fit.

  • Looking to grow their customer base in Southeast Asia

If you are looking to grow in Southeast Asia, you are in the right place.

city with high rise buildings during night time
city with high rise buildings during night time

Demand Generation Management

Create a world-class Demand Generation team without lifting a finger

We solve the problem of creating the organization and the team to find new deals so you never have to worried about your pipeline.

person using MacBook pro
person using MacBook pro
Management as a Service
We build your Demand Generation team

Appointment Setting

We build and execute email outbound campaigns to find, reach, and book a meeting for your sales team with your ideal prospects

We use AI tools to research your ideal client profiles, identify relevant buying signals to deliver a personalized message at the right time.

silhouette of person holding fishing rod across body of water
silhouette of person holding fishing rod across body of water
Appointment as a Service
Need help to get more qualified leads?

"Paulo helped us structure our outbound processes and be more targeted in our outreach. Ultimately, we chose to focus on key partnerships to grow our business, but the qualified appointments we received were high quality and contributed to our growth"

Client Testimonials

Client testimonial photo
Client testimonial photo

Nuno Covas

Co-Founder @ Mangtas

"Working with Paulo has been instrumental in our success across the region. His efforts have significantly boosted our pipeline in the Philippines, granting us access to enterprise clients within our ideal segments. Through tireless email outreach, social media engagement, and leveraging his extensive connections, Paulo has opened doors to new business opportunities while providing valuable inputs to our sales processes.

As a result, we’re now poised to expand beyond the Philippines and into other Southeast Asian countries. If you’re a European Professional Services company seeking growth in this region, I wholeheartedly recommend Sales Prism."

Pedro Campelo

Senior Manager @ LTPlabs

Get in Touch


(+63) 917 541 4101